Workshop on the spectral analysis of subshifts
9-11 Jul 2018 Amiens (France)


This meeting will concern dynamical systems, ergodic theory and harmonic analysis with a special focus on various spectra associated to subshifts.

Already at the very beginning of symbolic dynamics, in the early 20th century, the Thue-Morse sequence provided an interesting example of a system with a simple singular spectrum.  Since a lot of studies have been done leading to a comprehensive computation of spectrum invariant (work of Y. Meyer, Ledrappier, Lemanczyk...). In a parallel way, motivated by  the discovery of quasi-crystals in the 80's, the study of  diffraction measures of Delone sets  by Baake, Moody, Solomyak, Lenz,... showed in 2010 the relations between the dynamical spectrum, the Bragg peaks and the eigenvalues of the topological dynamical systems. More recently the work of Bufetov, Solomyak and Emme related the spectrum properties with the speed o convergence of ergodic averages. The aim of this conference is to give a state of the art of these topics and to see how to overcome the substitutive case which is a classical model for quasi-crystals.

Important dates

The workshop is from the 9th of July the to the 11th of July 2018.

Talks will start at 10h00 the 9th and will end at 12h30 the 11th.

Registration is free but mandatory.

Deadline is Thursday 28th of June 2018.


The conference will take place at the Universities of Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV):

UFR des sciences

33 rue Saint Leu, Amiens


See the map :

Invited speakers

Valérie BERTHE (U. Paris Diderot Paris 7, France) Talk Berthé

Paulina CECCHI (U. Santiago, Chile, and U. Paris Diderot Paris 7, France) talk Cecchi

Thierry DE LA RUE (U. Rouen, France) talk de la Rue

Jordan EMME (U. Paris-Sud)

Franz GAHLER (Bielefeld U., Germany) talk Gähler

Alejandro MAASS (U. Chile, Chile)

Neil MANIBO (Bielefeld U., Germany)


Dan RUST (Bielefeld U., Germany)

Ruxi SHI (UPJV) talk Shi


Some hotels closed to university:


Appart City Amiens : In this hotel, if we make the reservation for you a special rate will be applied : 59,50 euros/night breakfast included

Hotel Victor Hugo

Hotel Spatial

Le Saint Louis



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